I'm Jayesh Bhandarkar
i am a
Hire MeI'm an ambitious student Pursuing BTech in Information Technology from SVKM Institute of Technology, Dhule with a deep-seated passion for technology. I'm a Diploma Graduate in Computer Engineering form SSVPS Polytechnic College, Dhule. My passion lies in programming, where I'm proficient in languages like C++ and Python. I thrive on continuous learning and have an insatiable appetite for acquiring new knowledge and skills. Love to build Data Science and Web Development Projects.
email : bhandarkarjayesh721@gmail.com
address : Subhash Nagar, Dhule - 424001 , Maharashtra , India
Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.
SVKM's Institute of Technology | DBATU
SSVPS Polytechnic College | MSBTE
Netaji Day School | SSC